Video Showing Samsung Galaxy Note 7 On Fire In Restaurant Goes Viral


A YouTube video showing an oven-gloved Burger King employee struggling with a burning Galaxy Note 7 has become a viral illustration of the crisis facing Samsung over its troubled smartphone.

The video has been viewed nearly one million times since it was posted on the video-sharing site on Saturday, two days before Samsung announced a global halt to sales and exchanges of the Note 7.

The world’s largest smartphone maker issued a worldwide recall of the model in early September following complaints that its lithium-ion battery exploded while charging.

The move turned into a PR disaster when reports emerged a week ago of replacement phones also catching fire.

The YouTube video, shot on a mobile phone by a customer, showed a Note 7 smouldering next to an empty food basket on a table at a Burger King outlet in the South Korean city of Incheon.

A Burger King worker wearing large heat resistant gloves struggles to remove it from the table but it drops to the floor, causing shrieks among onlookers.

She eventually picks it up with both hands and walks away from the table, which is scarred with a black, charred mark.

A Samsung spokeswoman confirmed that the device in the footage was a Note 7 without elaborating further.

The manager of the outlet told an online news website Wikitree that the store had requested compensation from Samsung for the damage to the table.

(Feature image source: Youtube screengrab

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