In the biggest political showdown since he took over, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of ordering a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) raid on his office against his principal secretary Rajendra Kumar.
He even tweeted calling the PM “a coward and a psychopath”. Ouch. That didn’t go down well with the hashtag #YoAAPSoCongress , which was the top most trend on Twitter. But AAP followers weren’t far behind with their own hashtag #CowardModi . Even #ModiFearsKejriwal is following close behind.
Here’s what the Delhi CM tweeted
The BJP’s supporters came out all guns blazing and with criticism over the language used by the CM.
But there was support from the likely quarters – AAP loyalists.
For the time being Modi is silent, not that that is stopping Kejriwal from keeping the accusations coming.