A horrific incident has taken place in Uttar Pradesh’s Jalaun district in which a man has been arrested after his 18-year-old daughter had him filmed raping her.
The victim claimed that her father has been sexually assaulting her for the past four years and when she shared her traumatic experience with her mother, she just wouldn’t believe it, reports IBNLive.
Hence, to furnish proof of her father’s heinous crime and to convince her mother, she took the help of a friend and got a video clip made of her father raping her.
Speaking to CNN-IBN, the victim said,
“He should receive the most severe kind of punishment. I don’t want him to just die, I want him to die a painful death. He should be executed in public, he deserves to be beaten up by people, only then will he realise his crime.”
Meanwhile, an FIR has been filed in this regard and the accused has been arrested. According to Alok Saxena, Jalaun SHO, the accused has also confessed to his crime.
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