In a tragic turn of events, a bridge that was under construction in Kolkata’s Girish Park area collapsed on Thursday morning leaving at least 10 people dead. The army has also been called in to help as West Bengal CM Mamata Bannerjee is on her way to Kolkata from West Midnapore.
An eye witness claimed that there are 150 people stuck under the debris, and rescue operations are underway at the site in North Kolkata. Some eye witnesses said that they heard a loud bang and a crash, as a fire has also been reported, linked to the fuel tanks under the debris.
While 35 people have been rushed to the hospital, police said that multiple buses with passengers are still trapped under the debris, as several vehicles including taxis can also be seen crushed under debris.
The flyover was initiated by the CPI(M) government in 2007 to help traffic move smoothly through the area, but had run into problems with locals who said it crossed menacingly close to multi storied buildings on both sides, and there was pressure on authorities to finish work on it under the Trinamool regime.