The former Minister of External Affairs of India, Sushma Swaraj, decided to not partake in the Lok Sabha elections this year, due to health-related issues. However, people had hopes that she might get nominated for Rajya Sabha and become a part of the cabinet.
Yesterday, when people noticed during the swearing-in ceremony that this 66-year-old was sitting in the audience row, it finally hit them. This popular leader, who underwent a kidney transplant in December 2016, won’t return as a cabinet minister in Modi government 2.0.
She expressed her gratitude to PM Modi in a tweet, for giving her an opportunity to serve the people of India, for five years-
Seeing the end of Swaraj’s term as a foreign minister, some people took to Twitter to express their disappointment.
Sushma had gone on to become a favourite among people for her work and quick responses on Twitter. Netizens got nostalgic remembering her work and contribution.
Sushma Swaraj has also removed ‘Minister of External Affairs’ from her Twitter bio.