In yet another shocking incident, a young woman of 20 was allegedly assaulted brutally, gang-raped, and left to die in Hathras, UP. Reported to be an instance of caste-based violence, the young woman fought for two weeks, before succumbing to her injuries.
And it has now been reported that the victim was cremated late at night by the police, without the presence of her family, and allegedly, against their requests.
As per reports, the family’s request to take the body of their daughter home, one last time, was denied. Furthermore, the family and villagers were barricaded, and the victim was cremated without her family members, as shared by reporter Tanushree Pandey on Twitter.
Twitterati has now condemned the Police action, and called it a blatant disregard of humanity:
UP CM Yogi Adityanath has stated that a three-member SIT team has been assigned to look into the case, and assured that justice will be delivered. But, for a family who lost their right to grieve, what justice will suffice?