US President Donald Trump recently sat down for an interview with Axios‘ Jonathan Swan, a clip of which, released by the channel is going viral.
In case, you ask what’s the big deal given things with Trump go viral so easily, it’s because of the way Trump is trying to excuse himself of the responsibility of the US’ abysmal record in handling COVID-19 cases.
Trump, at one point, even tellsSwan that the USA’s record in terms of the number of deaths was the lower than the world.
Yeah, that reaction was all of us too.
He also just denies the fact that South Korea actually has a pretty low mortality rate per population because they have managed the crisis efficiently. I hope you understand what I said here. This is a fact that he just said NO to.
Quite naturally, the video drew some attention on Twitter. Some people also credited Swan holding the fort with his line of questioning and not letting Trump get away with lies and compared it to how Indian PM, Modi often gets interviewed.
You can enjoy the complete video here:
Mind you, the USA is amongst the oldest democracies in the world.