Chaos prevailed at launch function of Bharat International Travel Bazaar in Delhi attended by Union Minister Mahesh Sharma and J&K Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti when Delhi Tourism Minister Kapil Mishra asked her if she considered Burhan Wani and Afzal Guru as terrorists or not, inviting protests from her entourage.
Mishra left the venue, saying he does not want to share the dais with her after he was forced to stop his address following strong protests from some in the audience and officials accompanying Mufti.
He asked how tourism can increase in a state with terrorism
Responding to Mishra’s charge, she said, “Of all the places in the country, girls and women are the safest in Kashmir. They cannot be raped in a moving car. They move around in shikaras and houseboats.” “Kashmir needs you, I don’t know whether you need us,” she added.
She went a step ahead and invited people to visit Kashmir.
She said the state needs everyone’s support.
Many took to Twitter to slam the AAP minister and applauded Mufti for her reply
(With inputs from PTI)
(Feature image source: PTI| Twitter/@ANI)