In less than 9 months, the owners of Baba Ka Dhaba in Malviya Nagar have gone through ups and downs. The same could be said about the eatery, which once saw a barrage of people after a rough patch, and then went back to the old days of limited footfall. As the events unfold, here is a timeline of what has happened in the case so far.
1. Food vlogger Gaurav Wasan finds Kanta Prasad and his wife’s food joint Baba Ka Dhaba in the Malviya Nagar area of New Delhi. This happens in October 2020.
2. Gaurav posts the video online and requests people to save Baba Ka Dhaba by coming to the eatery and/or donating money.
3. Things went as he hoped for. People started coming to Baba Ka Dhaba and the fate of the eatery changed overnight. Advertisers started putting banners outside the humble shop, and it became difficult to feed the long queue of people.
4. However, in November 2020, Kanta Prasad and Gaurav Wasan had a tussle over money. Kanta Prasad alleged that Gaurav had collected all the money that was being sent by people in the form of donations.
5. Gaurav counter-alleged that he had not done anything of the sort and showed his bank details to prove his claim.
6. In December 2020, Kanta Prasad opened a new restaurant with the money he received through donations.
7. In June 2021, he closed that restaurant because of the losses and returned to the old Baba Ka Dhaba.
8. Then, Kanta Prasad issued an apology to Gaurav and said, “Gaurav Wasan was not a thief. We never called him a thief”.
9. Gaurav accepted the apology and said, “All’s well that ends well”.
10. On June 18, 2021, reports emerged that Kanta Prasad may have tried to take his own life as he was admitted to Safdarjung hospital in an unconscious state.
We hope that Kanta Prasad comes out of this situation healthy, and things go back to normal soon.