A goat sent to a Russian safari park as live prey for a Siberian tiger has instead befriended the big cat and the two have become inseparable in a story that has captivated Russians.
Amur the tiger and Timur the goat now sleep in the same enclosure in the Primorsky safari park outside the Pacific port city of Vladivostok, and the pair eat and play together in the snow and this week even head-butted each other for fun.The story of the unusual friendship has touched hearts in Russia with the safari park releasing regular updates on the pair and planning to install webcams in their enclosure.
Here is the video:
Staff at the park say the male tiger, who has been given live animals to hunt and eat twice a week for three years, did not touch the billy goat when it entered the enclosure last month because the goat did not show any fear.”No one had taught the goat to be afraid of tigers,” the park said in a statement.