As Ukraine battles for its freedom with Russia, we hope things get better soon. Recently, the Oscar-winning actor, Sean Penn, was in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv to film the ongoing Russia-Ukraine crisis.
But Sean found himself among the thousands of refugees trying to flee Poland. He took to Twitter to share the experience of how he left Ukraine on foot.
The Hollywood actor-director, Sean Penn, along with his backpack and trolley, had to walk miles to the polish border to flee Ukraine.
Myself & two colleagues walked miles to the Polish border after abandoning our car on the side of the road. Almost all the cars in this photo carry women & children only, most without any sign of luggage, and a car their only possession of value.
As per reports, Sean came to Ukraine last November to shoot a documentary and spoke with the Ukrainian military. However, he has made it out of Ukraine safely.
Penn was covering a press briefing at the office of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on the first day of Russia’s invasion. In a statement, Zelenskyy’s office said:
Sean Penn is among those who support Ukraine in Ukraine today. Our country is grateful to him for such a show of courage and honesty.
In a statement last week, Penn hailed the Ukrainian people as “historic symbols of courage” and said:
The tip of the spear for the democratic embrace of dreams. If we allow it to fight alone, our soul as America is lost.
People on Twitter praised Sean for this gesture and thanked him in the comment section. Others asked him to stay safe and strong.
Sean Penn is producing the Ukraine documentary for Vice Studios, in association with Vice World News and Endeavor Content.
The valour and bravery of people in Ukraine are winning hearts all over the world!
Read: Comedian, War-Hero, President Of Ukraine: The Unlikely Story Of Volodymyr Zelensky.