According to India Today, a 74-year-old man in Madhya Pradesh suffered from a rare condition, which made a rare ‘devil’s horn’ like structure on his head.
Shyam Lal Yadav, a resident of Sagar district in MP, recently underwent a surgery to get the mound removed.
The horn-like mound started forming atop his head after he suffered from a head injury, several years ago.
It eventually got bigger and when it began to hurt him, he tried to cut it off himself.
The lesions continued to grow and it was then Yadav decided to get it removed surgically.
He underwent surgery at Sagar’s Bhagyoday Tirth Hospital to remove the horn-like structure caused due to a rare Sebaceous horn condition.
Doctor Vishal Gajbhiye, who was one of the few doctors to attend to Yadav, said that it was one of the rare conditions and will be sent to be published in the International Journal of Surgery.