BJP’s newest addition to the Rajya Sabha, Subramanian Swamy has lashed out at the RBI Governor, Raghuram Rajan saying that ‘he is unfit for the country’ and that ‘he should be sent back to Chicago’.
“I don’t think he is fit for the country. His decision to increase interest rates to reduce inflation and stabilise the economy has backfired and badly affected the nation. All the industries have collapsed and as a result unemployment has increased,” reports ANI.
“Hence, he should be packed off and sent back to Chicago at the earliest.” he added.
Rajan is the Distinguished Service Professor of Finance at the University of Chicago’s Booth School and is currently on leave to serve as the 23rd Governor of the Reserve Bank of India.
The RBI governor’s term is set to end this September as speculations are rife on whether he’ll be given a second term, reports Indian Express.
Interestingly, Prime Minister Narendra Modi showered praises on Rajan last year and called him ‘perfect’ in explaining to him complex economic issues and said there was similarity in thinking on both the sides.
This isn’t the first time that Swamy has made publicly his dislike for Rajan. On October last year, Swamy slammed the RBI governor for his comments on the intolerance debate and advised him to ‘go to RBI and do his job and not speak like a grandfather.’
Even before the Modi government assumed power, Swamy made it clear in May 2014 itself that Rajan will have to go for failing to manage inflation and interest rates, reports The Hindu.
(Feature image source: PTI + Reuters)