Kerala Police have arrested popular Malayalam actor Dileep for his involvement in the actress abduction case. Police said that the actor was involved conspiring to abduct and assault the actress out of personal enmity.
He was arrested on Monday morning and will be produced soon before the court, reports Manorama Online.
His arrest comes two weeks after he was questioned for thirteen hours in connection with the case. Dileep, and his friend and film director, Nadirshah, had recorded their statement to the police. He complained to the police that he was being blackmailed by a man who claimed to be a friend of the prime-accused in the case.
On February 17, the actress, who has worked in Tamil and Telugu films, was abducted and allegedly molested inside her car for two hours by the accused, who had forced their way into the vehicle. She later escaped in a busy area in Kochi.
Six persons, including ‘Pulsar’ Suni, Martin (the actress’ driver) and Vigeesh have been arrested in connection with the incident.
On June 24, Nadirshah said that a man named Vishnu, claiming to be Suni’s friend, had called him seeking a huge amount from the actor.
He had said that Vishnu, who claimed to have shared a cell with Suni in jail, told him that some people in the Malayalam film world had offered money to Suni if he stated during questioning that Dileep was a conspirator in the case.
(Feature image source: Twitter| Sreedevi Sridhar)