Rivers are the lifelines of our country. From north to south and from east to west, we have an extensive network of rivers running through.
For years now, these rivers have fallen prey to human activities. Foam, foul smell and industrial sewage, made their water unfit for human consumption. But things are improving now amid lockdown. With industries shut and tourists away, these rivers are breathing a new life.
1. The Yamuna River in Delhi has become free of froth and looks much cleaner now.
2. Water in River Ganga has been classified as ‘fit for drinking’ for the first time in decades.
3. The Vrishabhavathi River, that flows through Bengaluru, has regained a new life.
4. There has been a drastic improvement in the water-quality of River Cauvery at certain locations.
5. The Godavari River near Nashik is a treat to watch in the absence of humans.
Now, when nature has done its part by healing itself, it is on us to maintain this spectacular sight.