Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has found himself in a bit of internet trouble. The Pakistan embassy in Serbia released a parody video criticising Khan over the non-payment of their salaries and skyrocketing inflation in the country.
In a now deleted tweet, the embassy said:
With inflation breaking all previous records, how long do you expect Imran Khan that we government official(s) will remain silent and keep working for you without been paid for past 3 months and our children been forced out of school due to non-payment of fees. Is this naya Pakistan?
The embassy also tweeted that it was left with no option but tweet this.
This bizarre tweet from a government agency has made some people question who is in charge of the account, while many others believe that the criticism was warranted.
On the other hand, opposition leader in Pakistan, Shahbaz Sharif, Pakistan Muslim League (N) chief said that the country was paying the price for inflation, unemployment and economic devastation, NDTV reported.
The country is paying the price for inflation, economic devastation and unemployment and the government has no realisation that it is not only the poor but even those holding white-collar jobs that have been crushed by it.
An official statement from the Pakistani embassy in Serbia is awaited.