Prime Minister Narendra Modi released a book on former PM Chandra Shekhar on Wednesday. The book titled, Chandra Shekhar – The Last Icon of Ideological Politics, is written by deputy chairman of Rajya Sabha Harivansh and Ravi Dutt Bajpai.
During the release function, held at Balayogi Auditorium in the Parliament House, he said he had first met Chandra Shekhar in 1977 at Delhi airport, according to ANI.
His exact words were-
I met him at Delhi airport, I was travelling with Bhairon Singh Shekhawat Ji. The two leaders enjoyed a close bond despite their different political ideologies.
This information didn’t go down well with the netizens, as they took to Twitter to point out some discrepancies in the timeline of his life journey.
A few months ago, in an interview with Aaj Tak, PM Modi said that he begged for food for 35 years.
This isn’t the first time PM Modi has exaggerated his timeline. Recently netizens pointed out the fallacy in his claim of having started using emails and digital camera in 1988.