Several accounts of women being harassed and molested at the Delhi University’s Gargi College fest surfaced in the last two days. The statements said that a group of intoxicated men entered the college premises due to lack of efficient security. Despite the principal of the college refuting the claims, the National Commission of Women stated that they will look into the issue.
The team reached the premises of the college to talk to the students who are holding a protest march titled “Safe fest or no fest.” After the NCW spoke to the students, the administration apologised and said that they will back the students when they file an official complaint.
We are giving the administration one hour to take a decision. We will also file a complaint. The admin has asked one hour and we will take a decision after that.
-Students to Newsd
Currently, a Delhi Police team has reached the campus to check the CCTV footage from the area where the incident took place. Apart from this Aam Aadmi Party MP Sanjay Singh also gave a Zero Hour Notice in Rajya Sabha over the incident. The issue was raised in Lok Sabha as well when Human Resource Development Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal spoke about it.
It has come to our notice that some outsiders had entered the college, which is not right. The college administration has been asked to look into it,” adding “Action will be taken against the culprits.
-Ramesh Pokhriyal
It is such a relief to have the ministers and people in power take this issue seriously.