An Instagram user, Debaleena Saha shared a shocking video and account of a dreadful taxi ride in Mumbai. According to her post, a local taxi driver ‘opened his zip’ as soon as she boarded the cab and started making inappropriate gestures.
She boarded the taxi in the morning, around 9:30 AM, and was on her way from Siddhi Vinayaka temple-
This driver as soon as I got into this local taxi, opens his zip, was staring at me objectifying & was stimulating his genitals (I wish I could record that) every time he took halt on signals, making me feel so uncomfortable. (sic)
In the video she shared, the driver outrightly says ‘no’, when she wants to get out of the cab. He also puts his hand next to her, on her seat.
In an update on the post, she added that an FIR has been filed.
FIR is filed and I didn’t share this to feel victimised, but to make all the women out there feel powerful and raise their voice when & where needed.
The shameful act of the taxi rider has caused a lot of outrage amid netizens, including celebs.
Read the entire account and watch the video here-