Prime Minister Narendra Modi has courted controversy with his ‘insensitive remarks’ on dyslexia. While speaking at an event, PM Modi made a covert jibe at his political opponent Rahul Gandhi, but in turn ended up making fun of people with dyslexia.
During an interaction, a student talked about her idea of helping students with Dyslexia, to which Modi responded,
Will this work for a 40-50 year-old child too?
And when the student answered with a yes, he went on to add,
Then that will make the mothers of such children very happy.
His obvious jibe at Rahul Gandhi, however, has not gone down well with Netizens, who criticised Modi’s insensitive comments.
People on Twitter called out the Prime Minister for mocking the condition.
There were also professionals who felt the need to school our leader on the learning disability.