In some heartbreaking news about the plight of migrant workers, a woman lost her new-born child after covering over 100 kilometers from Ludhiana (Punjab) to Ambala (Haryana) on foot.
It was her first child with her husband of 2 years, reports India Today.
Bindia and Jatin Ram, both in their 20s, set out on a long journey from Punjab to their home in Bihar last week.
Which is unimaginable to begin with but even more saddening because of Bindia’s state.
Somewhere near Ambala, she gave birth to the child, a girl, in a local hospital after some help from the police. But the new-born passed away soon after.
The couple performed the last rights in the same city.
For now, an NGO has taken them in and will take care of the couple until arrangements for going back home are made for them.