In a shocking incident, a 23-year-old man from Cobb County in Georgia, US, received grievous injuries after an e-cigarette blew up his face. James Lauria, suffered a fractured neck and finger, burns to his hand and eyes and had a hole blown through his palate after an e-cigarette blew up in his face.
The Independent reports that the incident happened on July 29 last month when Lauria had stepped out of his office for a smoke. The very next moment his e-cigarette exploded and he was immediately taken to hospital. He was later airlifted to the University of Alabama burns unit due to the severity of his injuries and is now recuperating at his parent’s house. The South Fulton Fire and Rescue Department are currently investigating into the matter.
In the past two years, there have been more than 100 such cases where e-cigarette charges caused explosions. Fire authorities have said that many of the fires occur due to the usage of the wrong type of chargers as incompatible charges cause too much current going into the batteries which result in overheating and explosion.
James Lauria is still on a liquid diet and talks with a lisp. Nevertheless, he is keen to talk about the incident so that people are aware about e-cigarettes and its apparent dangers.