Bhutan, which has been applauded time and again for its commendable precautions taken during the pandemic, has once again proven that it puts the health of its people over everything else.
According to Reuters, the country has an average of 18 new infections each day. And the king of Bhutan, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck is making sure that the pandemic stays in control.
In an effort to ensure the safety of his people, the king trekked 5 days in Bhutan’s eastern border areas to check illegal crossings that could increase the spread of COVID-19.
In a tweet, Tenzing Lamsang, the President of Media Association of Bhutan, shared pictures of the king who is taking his 14th or 15th trip to the borders during the pandemic.
The tweet also mentioned that the king has rarely been home since the pandemic began, and is busy patrolling and ensuring the safety of his country.
Twitter is obviously in awe of the steps he is taking.
According to reports, 1,813 infections and 1 coronavirus-related death has been reported in the country since the pandemic began. And a total of 482,038 vaccine doses have been administered.