Ahead of the release of his film “Madaari”, actor Irrfan Khan met Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday and discussed problems of the ‘common man’ with him. “I cleared my queries and Kejriwal ji patiently responded to all of them,” said the 49-year-old actor.
But when it comes to Kejriwal, one must always be prepared for some of the best trolling as far as Indian political scenario is concerned.
And as expected, Twitter didn’t disappoint, coming up with some of the best trolling imaginable.
Irrfan also reached out to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi via Twitter.
Irrfan said he wants Kejriwal, Modi and Gandhi to watch his film and give their views on how he has presented the common man’s story. “I want all three of them to watch my film. I haven’t told them, but I would want to know their reaction on what I am trying to say.”
That’s all folks!
(Feature image source: Twitter)