JNUSU President Kanhaiya Kumar, arrested in a sedition case, was on Wednesday granted interim bail for six months by the Delhi High Court which said that he has to cooperate in the ongoing investigation and has to present himself before the investigators as and when required.
A bench of Justice Pratibha Rani gave the relief to Kanhaiya who is presently lodged in Tihar jail under judicial custody, by asking him to furnish a personal bond of Rs 10,000 and a surety of like amount.
The high court made it clear that a JNU faculty member has to stand as surety for Kanhaiya. Further, it said that the accused has to furnish an undertaking that he will not violate any of the conditions mentioned in the bail order.
Kanhaiya was arrested on February 12 in connection with Kanhaiya was arrested on February 12 in connection with the case in which he and others, including two arrested JNU students Umar Khalid and Anirban Bhattacharya, are accused of raising anti-India slogans during an event organised inside the JNU campus on February 9.
He had sought bail claiming that he had not raised any anti-India slogans but the Delhi Police had maintained before the high court that they have evidence to show that the accused had raised anti-national slogans. The two other students who were arrested are in 14 days judicial custody.
(Feature Image Source: PTI)