AIADMK General Secretary and Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa turns 68 today. And her party members are making sure that Amma’s birthday becomes the most memorable event of the year. In fact, celebrations for her birthday had begun in the state from the beginning of this month.
So here’s how the party’s going all out to celebrate the Chief Minister’s birthday:
- Early in the morning, the party members assembled at the AIADMK headquarters to celebrate Amma’s birthday. To display their loyalty, they even got Amma’s picture tattooed on their arms.
- Huge cakes have been prepared in different parts of the city which will be distributed among the public and media personnel. “We regard Amma as a God. We will celebrate the birthday of our God in the most befitting manner,” AIADMK worker Parthasarathy was quoted as saying to Deccan Chronicle. Here’s what the cake looks like:
- Songs from films featuring AIADMK founder MG Ramachandran and Jayalalithaa, both yesteryear stars, were being played out even as distribution of welfare measures and special prayers marked the occasion.
- A massive sapling plantation drive will be taken up in 6,868 temples across the state by the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Department besides other programmes.
- And then there was MLA MV Karuppaiah, who went all out to mark Amma’s birthday. Karuppaiah, who is an expert in swimming came to the government swimming poll near Gandhi Museum in Madurai on Tuesday and started floating in water. And he even had an AIADMK flag in his mouth. He was even wearing a t-shirt with Jayalalithaa’s image on it.
- After one hour, he came out of water and left the place by raising the slogan ‘Amma vazhga, Amma vazhga’, reported DNA. Karuppaiah, said he performed the ‘Jalapradakshnam‘ act for the well-being of ‘Amma’ and to convey his birthday wishes to her.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi also wished Jayalalithaa on her birthday
- And you can wish her too. The IT wing of the AIADMK has ensured that on her birthday, anyone can wish the CM. Here’s how: