There is a thing with monumental grief and happiness, both demand brotherhood. You have to share your happiness and fortune with others for it to truly mean something, while in grief, one must stand shoulder-to-shoulder with their companions to help them overcome the troubles.
Speaking of the latter, the current covid crisis has seen many instances of people from different communities coming together to help those in need without once thinking of caste, religion or politics. Here are some of them.
1. When a group of Muslim men helped a Hindu son cremate his mother as his relatives were absent.
2. When the gurudwaras opened their hearts to anybody who is in the need of oxygen.
3. And when they decided to give food to anyone in need during these tough times, without asking for thir identity – because that doesn’t matter.
4. When a civil contractor from Rajasthan broke his first roza of Ramadan to donate plasma for covid patients.
5. ISKCON temple in Dwarka providing food to covid patients, with a keen focus on the elderly and pregnant women.
6. When a group of people from the Muslim community extended help to cremate 60 Hindus in Bhopal.
7. When mosque committees in Mumbai decided to deliver free oxygen cylinders to those in need, no questions asked.
8. When lakhs of Pakistanis urged their government to help India in the purest spirit of helping one’s neighbours.