As many as 105 youths were rounded up by police in Hyderabad’s Old City as part of ‘Operation Late Night Roam-Yos’ which is aimed at restraining youngsters and minors from roaming the streets in the area and creating nuisance.
The drive was carried out late last night and 105 youths were picked up from different areas of Old City, Additional DCP (South Zone) Babu Rao said on Sunday, May 24.
“The youngsters were given counselling in the presence of their parents today,” he said. On Saturday, May 23, as many as 282 youths, including 32 minors, were rounded by the South zone police here during the operation.
“Majority of youngsters and minors in the city are wasting their precious time in insignificant activities and getting addicted to unruly modern trends and bad habits instead of focusing on academic and professional careers,” DCP V Satyanarayana had said on Saturday.
Police had earlier said the recent death of Nabil, a city-based youth, in a street fight occurred because of lack of parental supervision.
The DCP had said the South Zone police will not hesitate in lodging cases against parents if their minor children are caught committing serious crimes.