An Indian Express photo-journalist, Ravi Kanoijia, died on Monday in Jhansi while he was covering a water train parked at the railway yard for four days. The train had been sent by the Centre but Akhilesh Yadav-led Uttar Pradesh government is doing nothing with it, saying the land is not parched enough to need that water.
Kanoijia, 34, had climbed atop the train but came in contact with the overhead electricity wire, and died on the spot.
Very unfortunate indeed. But it has just got worse because the Samajwadi Party, it seems, is trying to use the incident for political mileage.
Today, Samajwadi Party’s Chandrapal Singh, while speaking in the Rajya Sabha, said the Centre is to blame for the journalist’s death.
Because it sent the train to Jhansi that Kanoijia was clicking!
“Yesterday, a journalist who came to click pictures of water train got electrocuted at the spot. The Government of India is responsible for this. The Centre’s political drama in Uttar Pradesh is for everyone to see. A water train has been stationed in Jhansi for the past one week,” Singh said, as per an ANI report.