CBSE has now declared the results both for classes X and XII.
If you are not happy with your marks, here’s how you can apply for re-verification and re-evaluation.
There are three steps for re-evaluation.
1. You can apply for verification of marks from the next day of declaration of results.
There’s a verification fee of ₹500 per subject. In verification of marks, the board will only check if the marks are correct by just tallying with the paper and the mark sheet.
2. Once the verification is complete and in case you are still not satisfied, you can apply for the photocopy of the answer sheets.
Students of class XII would be charged ₹700 per subject and those of class X would be charged ₹500 per subject.
3. Once you see your answer sheets, you can apply for re-evaluation.
There’s a fee of ₹100 per question.
Here’s the circular issued by CBSE in this regard.
As of now, CBSE has activated the re-verification link for class XII students and that for class X students will be activated soon.
Check the timeline and apply for re-evalutation now.