Ghulam Mohammad Guroo, a 55-year-old Kashmiri boatman, saved three tourists after his boat capsized in the Jhelum river in Srinagar on Thursday. However, the heroic boatman drowned after he was reportedly forced to go back into the river by the rescued tourists to retrieve a bag, reports Hindustan Times.
What’s even worse — the tourists apparently didn’t seem to care. After getting back on land, they got into auto-rickshaws and left “never having bothered to find out what happened to him”, reports ABP Live.
It’s been four days, but Guroo’s body remains untraceable and it is feared to have floated several kilometres downstream from the site. The Hindustan Times report also states that a team of Indian Navy divers have joined the search operations.
“Now the boats have expanded their area of operation to locate the body,” said Noor Mohammad, Jhelum Houseboat Owners Association speaking to DNA.
Guroo’s bereaved family members and friends are fuming over the alleged apathy shown the rescued tourists. And his brother pointed out that even the boat that he was using has been badly damaged.
(Feature image source: Twitter | @dna)