Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal conducted his first interactive session today, titled Talk to AK, where people from across the country asked him queries via phone, text message and social media.
To a query that if this programme is on the lines of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s radio show Mann Ki Baat, an AAP spokesperson had said, “Talk to AK will be conducted as a conversation not monologue, as the objective of the exercise is to know, learn and understand from each other’s experiences and “not just preach about one’s individual views.”
In an attempt to connect to the masses, Kejriwal touched upon the core issues plaguing Delhi and highlighted Delhi government’s achievements. He also accused the Modi dispensation of turning its ties with Delhi government into an “India-Pakistan” type situation and said absence of obstacles would have helped him achieve four times of what has been done so far in the city.
Here’s what Twitter users felt about his debut show:
Well, he tried a Mann Ki Baat 2.0, so he got trolled 2.0
Of course, some loyal AAP fans stood by him