Sporadic violence broke out on Monday in Bengaluru city and some other parts of Karnataka amid the raging Cauvery water-sharing row, with the Siddaramaiah government asking Tamil Nadu to protect Kannadigas and assuring to safeguard Tamils in the state.
Trucks with Tamil Nadu registration numbers were either stoned or set on fire in Bengaluru, Mandya, Mysuru, Chitradurga and Dharwad districts as Kannada activists gave vent to their anger over alleged attacks on state vehicles and property of Kannadigas in the neighbouring state.
Bengaluru city police even implemented Section 144 — gathering of more than 10 people will result in criminal charges.
The violence flared up shortly after the Supreme Court, modifying its September 5 order, on Monday asked Karnataka to release a reduced amount of 12,000 cusecs of Cauvery River water to Tamil Nadu till September 20.
The predominant sentiment on Twitter seemed to be “why this rage”, with disappointment, shock and anger.
But there was some measure of goodwill as well:
We sure hope this blows over soon!
(With PTI inputs)
Featured image: PTI