A special CBI court on Tuesday granted bail to BJP stalwarts L K Advani, Murli Manohar Joshi and Uma Bharti after they appeared before it in connection with the Babri Masjid demolition case.
Bail was also granted to BJP leader Vinay Katiyar, VHP’s Vishnu Hari Dalmia and one-time Hindutva firebrand Sadhvi Ritambara, who also presented themselves before the court.
All were given bail on a personal bond of Rs 50,000 each by CBI Special judge S K Yadav.
They appeared before the court for framing of charges in the light of a Supreme Court order restoring the serious offence of criminal conspiracy against them.
The court, which is hearing two separate cases relating to the demolition of the 16th-century mosque, had granted bail to Mahant Nritya Gopal Das, Mahant Ram Vilas Vedanti, Baikunth Lal Sharma alias Prem Ji, Champat Rai Bansal, Mahant Dharma Das and Satish Pradhan earlier this month in the second matter.