After his controversial Facebook video triggered a furore, Aam Aadmi Party MP Bhagwant Mann is still claiming innocence and said he has done no crime in releasing the said video of Parliament security.
Today, he submitted a five-page letter to the probe panel of Lok Sabha and said he did not commit any mistake by recording the video. The letter to the committee and Sumitra Mahajan comes after the Lok Sabha speaker refused to accept his unconditional apology and ordered a probe against him over the incident.
In his letter, the MP also repeated that his intentions were not to compromise Parliament’s security but just to show his constituency how the parliament functions. Arguing for his case, he even said that television channels have broadcasting vans and cameras outside the Parliament.
He also reiterated his previous demand and wanted the nine-member panel headed by Bharatiya Janata Party MP Kirit Somaiya to summon the Prime Minister Narendra Modi for allowing ISI, Pakistani Intelligence Agency, to take a tour of the attack site in Pathankot.
In the above letter to Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan, Mann had said the Prime Minister was “100 times more guilty” than him for “inviting ISI” to probe the January 2 terror attack on the airbase that had left seven security personnel dead.