A Bata store in Chandigarh got into trouble with the consumer forum after a customer filed a complaint against the company for unfairly charging him for a paper bag.
As per an India Today report, the man was asked to pay ₹3 for a paper bag at a store in Sector 22D and he moved the forum regarding the same.
Next thing you know, the forum asks the store to pay the customer ₹3 as refund, ₹1000 as litigation charge and ₹3000 as compensation for ‘mental agony’ he was put through.
Apart from this, the store was asked to deposit an additional ₹5000 in the legal aid account of State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission as fine.
The forum also noted that if the stores are so worried about the environment, they should provide the bags for free.
This sure is a lesson for retail owners who charge people money for bags without having the permission and think they will get away with it.