His government has already decided to implement an odd-even car scheme in Delhi for the first 15 days of 2016. He’s on radio in Delhi appealing to people to support it to see if it helps reduce pollution.
And just in case you’re still not convinced, Delhi Chief Minister is putting up some pretty grisly pictures to convince you to support his plans to reduce pollution in the state.
On Thursday, the Delhi chief minister tweeted:
The picture while pretty disgusting is also an indication of just how badly the pollution in Delhi affects all its residents. Admittedly a person from Himachal Pradesh is bound to have much better lungs than a person from Delhi but the difference is quite disturbing.
Just in case you’re unaware, the pollutants in air can cause a variety of problems including premature death in people with heart or lung disease, heart attacks. irregular heartbeat, poor lung function and difficulty in breathing.
The Delhi chief minister’s plan to get support for the scheme that will be launched on December 1 is admirable. Now hopefully the government will come up with a good enough plan to encourage Delhi to follow it.