An 80-year-old Alzheimer’s patient who had gone to a temple in Patel Nagar on Sunday morning went missing after she forgot her address and failed to return home. However, she safely returned home in just about two hours thanks to some praiseworthy collaboration between the police and Twitterati.
Here is how social media played its remarkable part:
Deputy Commissioner of Police Madhur Verma tweeted the photo of the lady which was re-tweeted more than 100 times:
Around the same time the woman’s family members realised that Gupta hadn’t returned from the temple and were getting worried. But before they could start their search, one of their relatives saw her picture in a post shared on Facebook by another user Vijay Jain.
Jain had just shared the photo of the missing woman and Gupta’s family members immediately contacted him over Facebook to inform him that they knew her. He quickly tweeted at the police official who also responded as quickly:
The family finally found safe in Ashok Vihar police station. And the deputy commissioner was understandably elated:
He thanked Vijay Jain for his swift action while also advising the old woman’s family:
Mrs Gupta identified!
Thanks to all of you including @urban_mogli. 👏 I’ve talked to her family members in Patel Nagar.They r about to reach.— Madhur Verma (@DCP_North_Delhi) January 31, 2016
And the final word of appreciation came from none other than Delhi’s Police Commissioner BS Bassi:
(Feature image source: Twitter/DCP_North)