A newly constructed park in Uttarakhand has been named after the Dehradun police horse Shaktiman, who had died of injuries received during a BJP rally led by MP Ganesh Joshi in March.
The park was inaugurated in Dehradun on Monday by Uttarakhand CM Harish Rawat, and is called ‘Shaktimaan Park‘. The park, which is situated on the Dehradun Police Line, is apparently a tribute to the dead mare.
Shaktiman, a loyal servant of the Dehradun Mounted Police for many years, died in April after suffering from injuries she received after she allegedly fell and broke her leg during the chaotic rally, though many reports claimed it was BJP MLA Ganesh Joshi, who attacked the animal’s legs.
Whatever was the case, Shaktiman broke her legs, developed gangrene, had her leg amputated, and then, even though she got a prosthetic leg, died soon after from shock.
Shaktiman’s death had provoked massive outrage from animal rights activists and the general populace alike, against animal cruelty and the abject apathy the issue receives in India.
Perhaps it is for this reason that the park has been named after her. Well, this is not the first time the Dehradun police and Uttarakhand government has tried, in a rather bewildering fashion, to pay tribute to the beast. Before this, the Dehradun police had named a petrol pump in her memory.
Twitterati seem equally confused and amused at this new information:
Finally, this man’s wise tweet sums it all up.
(Feature Image Source: Twitter/@P5_News_Media)