Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav visited drought-affected Lalitpur area on Tuesday in a helicopter and the district officials saw nothing wrong in using thousands of litres of water for preparing a makeshift helipad for him, reported Zee News.
Strangely enough, Akhilesh Yadav visited Lalitpur to review the situation in the area and ensure relief measures were being provided.
Though this is the second such incident this week. A few days ago, Maharashtra relief and rehabilitation minister Eknath Khadse was accused of being ‘arrogant’ when 10,000 litres of water was wasted for a temporary helipad at Belkund village in Latur district. His fellow minister, Pankaja Munde, drew criticism for taking a selfie in drought-hit Latur.
Another such instance of leaders’ insensitivity to the plight of people in drought-affected regions was when the local administration emptied two tankers of water on a stretch of road to settle dust before Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah visited drought-hit Badagandi village in Bagalkot district.
Watch how officials pour water on parched Lalitpur to prepare a makeshit helipad for UP CM: