Olympic gold medallist Neeraj Chopra recently met another Indian Olympian Abhinav Bindra and his family in Chandigarh. Bindra gifted him a pup (what seems to be a golden retriever) named ‘Tokyo’ and wished him good luck for the 2024 Olympics.
Both Abhinav and Neeraj shared the pictures with the little puppy on social media.
While it’s good and all that the two outstanding sportspersons who have done us immense proud met, people are not very pleased with the ‘gift’.
They feel dogs or any other pet animal cannot be a ‘gift’, rather they are a huge responsibility. Also, at a time when several animal lovers and organisation are speaking in favour of adopting the Indie dogs and not shopping bred foreign dogs, this gesture did not go down well with fans.
Fans expected better from these legends.
What do you think about the gesture?