Vidisha Baliyan, a 21-year-old girl from Uttar Pradesh’s Muzaffarnagar city, was crowned Miss Deaf World 2019 on July 22.
The event was held in Mbombela, South Africa, where Vidisha bagged the title among 11 finalists from 16 participating countries. Vidisha, who is a modelling student of Asian Academy of Film & Television, posted several pictures of her hard-earned victory on Instagram.
Sharing her crowning moment she said she felt surreal to become ‘the first Indian to win in the Miss Deaf World Category’.
In one post, she briefly shared her life’s story. From the discrimination she had faced, to finding her strength as a tennis player.
In the talent round, she performed Tandav and shared pictures of her routine, adding that even though she could not hear the rhythm or the sounds, she had always loved dancing.
Performing tandav, which is a vigorous dance form by Hindu God Lord Shiva. Since my young age I’ve loved dancing though I couldn’t hear the rhythm, melody or sounds clearly. To dance, one needs fire in their heart and soul, and music in their spirit.
This is just the beginning for Vidisha. Quoting Robert Frost, she said, ‘Miles to go before I sleep.’
Miss & Mister Deaf World is a non-profit organization, created in 2001. In 2018, Assia Uhanany from Israel bagged the title of Miss Deaf World.