This Mother Asks Why Indian Parents Hate Their Sons So Much & Makes A Valid Point

Ashish Dutta

It is a known fact that in today’s day and age, many men stay outside their homes. Be it when they are pursuing studies or when they are working in a different city. These are the same boys who were smothered all their lives by their parents (read mothers) with all the ready-on-the-table meals when they get back home, doing their laundry, keeping their room in order, so on and so forth. 

Weird, right? Considering they know that these sons will one day become men who will be living on their own and you won’t be there to take care of these things. What will you do then, mom? 


Oh right! Marry them off. Get a nice bahu who will once again keep the meals ready, the shirts washed and ironed, and the bed tidied up?

OR you can raise your sons differently, you know?

Instead of just preparing our girls to skill themselves to take care of these men when their mums aren’t around, how about teach the boys the life skills necessary for self sustenance?

Look at this mom who hit the nail right on its head! 

Raise your sons right. So that this following meme stops being funny. 


Frankly, we are surprised it took someone this long to put it out there!

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