Men Can Be Pick-Mes Too. 10 People Share How To Spot One

Harshita Singh

The world has endlessly discussed what ‘Pick me’ women are like. But what about men? How do men display ‘Pick me,’ traits? To start off, let’s get clear on what being a ‘Pick me’ means. The term is used to describe a person who is incredibly competitive about winning the affections of whichever gender they are attracted to. So, literally they’re asking to be ‘picked’ by lovers, or crushes, etc. So this Reddit thread we’ve discovered has tapped into what men who are pick-me individuals look like.

Credit: Giphy

Here, take a look. Read on to know more:

1. “I would say the one that makes ‘Being feminist/ally’ his entire personality. It’s suspicious as hell, like some sort of manipulation tricks.”


Credit: Giphy

2. “Brings his acoustic guitar to the party without being asked.”


Credit: Giphy

3. “I’ll use a personal example whose a friend of mine’s friend whose the epitome of a pick me who I find quite intolerable:

-He constantly interjects virtue signaling into conversations about our partners, other people’s relationships, or women in general. Lots of ‘If I had a woman, I’d NEVER treat her like that’ kind of stuff. That interjection is always far more prominent when women are around and will put on this facade on when any of our partners are around.

-Likes to back seat ‘Coach’ and provide unsolicited opinions to others on how to handle aspects their relationship. Ironically usually about the polar opposite of what you should do to the point it’s actually entertaining.”


Credit: Giphy

4. “I know a few who keep calling themselves ‘Men written by women’ like once a week.”


Credit: Giphy

5. “This one is peak Redditor, so I’m going to get hate for it. But when they have to announce how much they love eating p*ssy, every time it comes up. If a girl went on about how much she loves sucking d*ck, there may be a possibility that she’s a pick me. Blokes doing it is just as bad.”


Credit: Giphy

6. “Being overly progressive anytime a girl is around.”


Credit: Giphy

7. “Anti-anything traditionally masculine. The super bowl is always a great time for these people. They can’t wait to demonstrate how much they don’t care about ‘Sports ball,’ they’re only here for the commercials, etc. Lots of people will say something like this, but they love to use it as an elevation for themselves. Ironically, they often say these things at a superbowl party where they are a guest.

The ‘Male Feminist’ – This isn’t about believing in equal rights regardless of sex/gender. Oh no, this guy can’t wait for people (women) to hear him say things like ‘Toxic masculinity’ and ‘Men need to do better’ and such. He’s willing to shit on every man on earth for being a barbaric animal that needs to learn their place and pay for the sins of their gender, but don’t worry ladies, He’s different!”


Credit: Giphy

8. “Dudes that go around telling everybody who will listen that they don’t watch sports.”


Credit: Giphy

9. “Probably ‘Nice guys.'”


10. “‘I apologize on behalf of my gender.'”


Credit: Giphy

Honestly, we get it. We’ve all been pick-me’s somewhere or the other. But it’s probably not worth it to end up harming people to win a potential romantic partner’s affections or attention over.

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