What do you think makes a house, a home?
It’s not the fancy couch or the new dressing table. It’s that watercolour mark you made behind the TV as a kid. It’s the almost ruined couch on which you jumped for hours despite your mom scolded you not to. It’s not the expensive painting that you’ve put on the wall, but the scribbles you made just beneath it. It’s the fairy lights you shabbily put above your bed to impress your date and not the gourmet dinner you bought her. It’s in all these little memories that make you go… “Remember that time when…”
This heartfelt video is dedicated to all those times and all those little imperfections that make our house perfect. It tells the story of a father-son relationship and the fact that we get so engrossed in making our houses picture-perfect that we forget what actually makes it a home – the memories. After all, they are #HomesNotShowrooms.
Catch the thought-provoking video below.