This Poignant Video Of Nurses Recounting Patients’ Last Words Will Put Your Life In Perspective

Aditya Varma

The thought of what our last words in this lifetime would be rarely crosses our minds. Perhaps, none of us have thought as far ahead. But, if that moment were to present itself, what would you imagine your words would be? And, for whom? Now, imagine the only listener to that parting message being the one taking care of you day in and day out on that hospital bed; your nurse. Sadly enough, that is the case more often than you would imagine. 

Nurses, the unsung heroes of the world, bear the brunt of their patient’s parting emotion, trusted with their final message, for better or worse. How many of us could even think of taking up a responsibility like that? 

Watch this deeply moving video of nurses recounting their patients’ last words:

Heart wrenching. 

Masthead Source:

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