These 20 Quirky Apps Will Make Everyday Life So Much Easier For You

Osien Kuumar

Over the last couple of decades our lives and lifestyles have taken a ‘progressive’ hit. Tech-bloom, internet and smartphones consume most of our time and given the pace at which we’re going, who has the time to relax, think and calculate the clutter that springs out in the process? We’re living a ‘smart’ life, after all! Except, are we?

It’s high time we understand that our ‘smart’ life is full of foolish methods to f*** it up and ourselves. So, how about we find an up-to-date, techy solution to this? Here’s a list of 20 apps that are not only cool in what they offer but will actually help you declutter your life, one step at a time:

1. I Can’t Wake Up! App

How many times have you hit snooze after a cacophonous ring drove you out of your slumber? We’re used to doing this because our brains don’t want to activate. But, what if you had no snooze? Instead a puzzle or a shake challenge or a math problem? This app offers you 8 such wake-up games/puzzles. You choose the one you want to wake up to. For instance, you solve a math equation like the one below or shake your phone with all your strength, or play a memory game, for the alarm to stop. Howzatt ?

Source: topapps

2. Drunk Locker App

Sick of your terrible habit of drunk texting and calling, along with an outrageously long list of social media activities you aren’t proud of? This one is for you! Simply select the apps you are most likely to use after getting drunk and hit lock before a lavish late night.

Source: gotowebsite

3. UnFuckYourHabitat (UFYH) App

“You don’t deserve to live in a shithole.” Yes, that’s how this App motivates you to get on with the unfucking business. Which basically means for you to stop being lazy and do your cleaning, chores and everything else that makes your surrounding look shabby. It’ll give you a challenge, like unfuck your study table by cleaning and rearranging the clutter, to live up to; and all you’ve to do is come out a winner! P.S. You might have to pay a tiny sum to get this one.

4. Attitudes of Gratitude Journal App

Do you constantly drown yourself in a self-imposed depression where all your problems (first-world crap) don’t let you live in peace? Well, here’s an app that’ll help you be thankful and happy. Treat it like a journal entry by jotting down everything you’re feeling grateful for. Revisit them on the days you’re feeling low; and rejoice in the many things that make you happy. Time to inculcate some gratitude in your attitude, buddy!

5. Procraster App

Procrastination is a huge problem for a lot of us. We think, “Abhi toh hai time!” for anything and every thing, and in the process miss out on more than we’d imagined. Thus, we need this to keep a check on us. Start by setting up your projects, areas of responsibility, dues and schedules, and keep updating them. Procraster will make sure you get the work done. Stop running, start doing! #SmartTaskManager

Source: Appsaga

6. Things I Didn’t Buy (TIDB) App

Shopaholic and broke. Story of my life! But then came along TIDB and faith was restored. I’m sure a lot of us end up buying things we don’t need, and to make matters worst, we don’t even know how to track our habit and set things right! So here’s the solution. Every time you feel you’re buying something you don’t need, capture it in this app by adding the cost of the stuff you want to buy. At the end of the month, total the amount and see how much you saved. Eventually, you end up wasting less money and saving a lot more.

7. Office Exercise & Stretch App

Pay Rs 82 for this but with a guaranteed health improvement! It reminds you to get up and stay active throughout the day and at the same time, suggests and schedules exercises which you can do quietly at your workplace! Don’t be shy to do these, because once people see the difference in you, they’ll follow for sure.

Source: fitnessreloaded

8. GymPact App

This App puts your money where your mouth is, literally. You plan a workout for yourself, put in some cash and stick to the plan/ timeline. If you don’t, you lose your money, if you do, you get money from people who couldn’t live up to it! You get to decide the amount you wish to lose if you don’t stick to the plan. Just sign the pact (linked to your G-mail) and get on with the game. Quite a gamble, it is! P.S. You can try it without incentives too in the beginning. And later, redeem points on PayPal.

Source: turstedreviews

9. Carrot Fit App

This App is not for the fainthearted. It makes snarky, sarcastic remarks on your body and weight so that you negatively feel motivated to lose those extra pounds. Carrot will be your guide. She’ll give you intense workouts to lose those flabs. You have to challenge yourself and sweat it out. Trust me, her words will hurt; so you might as well do what she says.

Source: Voniz

10. Carbodroid App

How many glasses of water do you drink every day? Don’t know? Well, in that case, meet Carbodroid. He reminds you to drink water every hour. Just click on the amount of water you drank and it’ll automatically fill the droid. He’ll also warn you when you’re on the verge of dehydration or low on water, and he’s super cute!

Source: Playboard

11. Bills Reminder App

For those of us who always forget to pay our bills on time, time to install this. Get rid of bill-clad pockets and handbags. Start by making a list of all the upcoming bills with their dates. The organizer will keep a tab and remind you before its overdue. Why beat yourself over bills when here is one of the best bills organizing apps?


12. Brush DJ App

Who would’ve thought that someone could make your every-morning brush routine interesting? Here is an effective app to enhance your brush and floss experience. It basically gives you brush-advice while playing music. It also sets dentist visit reminders. Pretty cool, right?

13. App

My Doctor always says you should never google decease or medications. But, here’s an A-Z guide (verified) on medicines. When in doubt, refer to it. Especially, if you don’t have an expert around. Search for the drugs, diseases and symptoms, and at the same time have your personalized set of drugs monitored.

14. Sleep Talk Recorder App

50% of kids between the ages of 3 and 10 carry on whole conversations during the night. As we grow older the figure goes down to about 5%.” So basically if you’re a part of the 5%, then this is meant for you. Just activate the app before you go to bed and keep it close enough (advisable to not put under your pillow). Also, this is a good way to find out if you sleep talk or not. You can record everything and, at the same time, have a laugh on all the fun ones.

Source: GooglePlay

15. Nature Sounds Relax and Sleep App

Everyone who’s insomnia struck or has anxiety issues or overthinks and panics a lot, this app is for you. Listen to these melodies, relax and calm yourself. Select the sounds that make you feel most at ease.

Source: Mashable

16. Mother’s World App

Everything you need to know on pregnancy and being a mother is right here. Primarily helpful for women who’re recent mothers and have a shit load to deal with whilst making it a point to remain cool in front of their kids. For your chi and peace of mind, get this.

Source: Mobogenie

17. Evernote App

A special mention of this for all you corporates out there. It helps sync your office work with your phone in an uncluttered environment. Basically, you can do all the work you have to, along with your personal work, on this app. Write, discuss, make presentations & PDFs, to-do lists, reminders, notes, blogs, whatever be it. Most often, our hands our full with work and we don’t know how to go about it or take out time for anything else. Having a sync of it all through a single app is a pretty fine way to organize yourself, I’d say.

Source: Wirefresh

18. Call Confirm App

Finally you can stop calling people accidentally! This one is the perfect remedy to pocket dialing. It’ll pop up with a confirmation task box every time you accidentally hit ‘call’. Only after your approval will the call happen. Nice, right?

Source: m.aptoide

19. Kwit App

This one’s the best of the lot. Although you have to pay a sum of Rs 134.31, this app makes’quit smoking’ sound a lot more fun. Basically, it’s a game where you earn points and achievements, and at the same time get rid of this awful habit. For instance, if you don’t smoke for a day, you unlock level 1. It also monitors your cigarette expenses, health and well being. You’ll end up saving a lot of dough if nothing else.

Source: mashable

20. LastPass App

Too many important accounts with passwords you cannot remember? Well, now you don’t to because LastPass has it all. From your MasterCard info to your Facebook log in, it’ll keep everything safe. You only need to remember one password: the password of the app. Perfect locker, if you ask me.

Source: windowscentral

Open Store > Find App > Use > Peace!

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