“In war, the heroes always outnumber the soldiers, ten to one.” – H. L. Mencken
The Indian Armed Forces are no exception to this statement, with their unparalleled valour and sense of duty to their motherland and her people. With a strength of over 1.3 million active personnel, The Indian Armed Forces are the third largest military force on the planet and one of the finest.
These mottos from the Indian Armed Forces’ units explain why they’re so badass:

Translation: Win Over The Enemy In The Sky
Translation: Touch The Sky With Glory
Translation: May the Lord of the Oceans be Auspicious Unto Us
Translation: Freedom From Sickness To All
Translation: Valour And Wisdom
Translation: Everywhere With Honour And Glory
Translation: First, Always First
Translation: Victory Over The Enemy
Translation: By Land And Sea
Translation: It Is Glorious To Die Doing One’s Duty
Translation: It Is Better To Die Than Live Like A Coward
Translation: Ever Powerful
Translation: The Brave Shall Inherit The Earth
Translation: Victory Everywhere
Translation: Spirit of Unity and Valour
Translation: With Determination, I Shall Win
Translation: Prosperity in Peace and Victory in War
Translation: Duty Before Death
Translation: Fight With Determination
Translation: Valour Triumphs
Translation: Unique Valour
Translation: Work Is Worship
Translation: Success And Attainment
Translation: Valour in Battle is Praiseworthy
Translation: Sacrifice is a Sign of the Brave
Translation: Strength Through Weapons
Translation: Swift and Secure
Translation: Everywhere
Translation: Duty Unto Death
Translation: We Protect
33 reasons why we feel safe everyday!
Design Credit: Vineet Kumar