33 Heartwarming Photos That Have Happiness Written All Over Them

Akarsh Mehrotra

“Happiness is only real when shared”

– Chris McCandless, Into The Wild

It is true, isn’t it? The world is full of terrible things. However, there is happiness in every corner as well. All you need to do is look. And sometimes you just need an act of random kindness to see it. So let’s share some happiness with a few heartwarming photos from around the world that are sure to make you smile:

1. Like this young man who became a temporary arm chair for the old lady.

2. These two best buds sharing a laugh.

3. This random person who helped a stranger whose home was destroyed in a hurricane.

4. This pup who thinks the entire carnival is for him!

Innocence & cuteness overload.

5. And this mutt who’s having the time of his life.

You can see it on his face.

6. Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago, interrupts a woman’s job interview and gives his personal recommendation.

7. This man who gives free haircuts and shaves in return for a hug.

8. This awesome dad.

9. This ‘complete’ stranger.

10. This girl who is overjoyed after her hero, Rugby star, Brian O’Driscoll visits her in the hospital.

11. These friendly neighbours.

12. This entire class that shaved its head for their classmate, who had cancer.

13. This kid’s parents who built an ice-cream truck around his wheelchair as a Halloween costume.

14. This Brazilian general, who during a protest, said: “Do not fight, please, not on my birthday.” And this is what the protesters did.

15. This man, John Unger, cradles his 19 year-old-dog to sleep every night in a lake because the buoyancy of the water soothes the dog’s arthritic pain.

16. This kickass police officer.

17. This wonderful female officer making way for a family.

18. This friendship.

19. This US Army Officer admiring a butterfly.

20. This cute kid praying at the Starsbourg Grand Mosque in France on the first day of Ramadan.

21. This dog who was just acting tired.

22. This young boy and his attentive audience.

23. This monk sharing food with a friendly beast.

24. This old man entertaining a mentally & physically challenged kid.

25. This man and his friends from the wild. Life as it should be.


26. The celebrations in Minnesota as gay marriage is legalized.

27. This moment when a PoW of the Vietnam War, Lt. Colonel Robert L. Stirm, returns home to his family.

28. These 1,00,000 monks who pray for world peace.

The most calming photograph.

29. These super happy children who live at the polar circle.

30. This little boy with a bread taller than him.

31. This groom who cries after seeing his bride for the first time.

32. These soldiers who help a mate kiss his love goodbye.

33. This old couple showing young love.

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