Your school report card isn’t the best measure of your intelligence. Some of the most intelligent people the world has seen, weren’t the most ‘educated’. IQ, or Intelligence Quotient, is not based only on education. It is a score derived from a standard set of tests which quantifies intelligence into a number.
These scores, however are just indicative and should not be blindly trusted. Based on researc h , these countries have the highest average IQ levels in the world.
1. Singapore- 108

Source: mrwallpaper
2. South Korea- 106
3. Japan- 105
4. Italy- 102
5. Iceland- 101
6. Mongolia- 101
7. Switzerland- 101
8. Austria- 100
9. China- 100
10. Luxembourg- 100
11. Netherlands- 100
12. Norway- 100
13. United Kingdom- 100
14. Belgium- 99
15. Canada- 99
16. Estonia- 99
17. Finland- 99
18. Germany- 99
19. New Zealand- 99
20. Poland- 99
21. Sweden- 99
22. Andorra- 98
23. Australia- 98
24. Czech Republic- 98
25. Denmark- 98
With an average IQ of 82, India stands quite low in the list.